All Euronext positions are valued at the bid price during trading hours. Outside of trading hours, positions are valued at the last known closing price. Closing prices will generally be used for all other exchanges. This is in connection with high stock exchange costs and costs to the exchange supplier, which are involved. Saxo Bank uses a fixed quote supplier as much as possible.
A partner who holds non-negotiable securities in its end-customers’ portfolios may request that Saxo Bank deviate from valuation at the last quoted price for the specific position. The final decision whether to deviate from the price remains at the discretion of Saxo Bank.
Under US law, US securities held by the US central securities depository, the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), may be destroyed by the DTCC if the securities have been out of trade for six years or more. This concerns, for example, securities where the issuer has gone bankrupt or securities that are no longer worth anything for any other reason. If this is the case, the client will be notified in writing.