Be aware that there is a difference between how market value for bonds is calculated in DBA and in SaxoPartnerConnect.
In DBA, market value does not include accrued interest, i.e. the interest that has been accrued since the last coupon payment. This interest amount is instead presented as a separate amount line connected to the position value. See screen shot below.
In SaxoPartnerConnect, the market value of a bond position is including the accrued interest amount. The accrued interest amount is in addition available in a separate column. For inflation-linked bonds, the market value also takes into account the indexation, both for the nominal amount and the accrued interest.
The same principles apply to all areas in the platform where market value of the position is shown, i.e. also in EOD reports etc.
If users are expecting market value without accrued interest, the user has to subtract the accrued interest amount from the separate column.